Certification, Accreditation, Award and Collaboration

Award: SME Award

At Harvest Group, we put our customers first. We do not actively set out to win the awards, instead we strived to provide the best quality, value, and overall experience to meet and exceed the expectation of our customers.

We see every award as a positive affirmations that motivate us to push harder to the limits and beyond.

Winner of the SME100 Awards Malaysia in 2019

Winning the SME100 Awards is a significant milestone to us and we look forward to celebrating future successes together.

About SME Award

SME100 Awards is an Annual Recognition programme organised by SME Magazine, naming the fastest moving businesses of the SME sector.

Collaboration: UCSI University

It is an immense honour to have UCSI University as our first local private partnered university. Harvest Group is pleased to have officially started collaboration with UCSI University on 5th November 2019 by having MoU Signing Ceremony. We look forward for more collaboration with UCSI University in very near future.